Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Best Surround Recivers

Late post

Lately some sho 'of little things to do, but this takes time to crawling and walks in the woods with other boys of RC-Monster.
I have several pictures to post with a description of the place: the Roveta Scandicci, Scandicci above a lake, Monte Morello.
I'm also starting a series of changes to CR-01, with the aid of the boys always practical design of RC-Monster.
The changes at the moment, involving the suspension and the pressure of the medium. For suspension I would like to eliminate the system of levers to install dampers standard having lifted torsion bars, the medium has gained twist, but at the same time has become a little 'funny' in meaning that in motion tends to dance a little bit because of the game read the levers. By coupling a fixed standard ammo that should disappear and the hike increase. I also ordered bedlock
wheels and tires, all ProLine: the wheels are aluminum and should increase the weight of the vehicle moving, then the center of gravity down, the tires always ProLine Badlands are a medium compound with memory and inserts because of their structure, should provide a greater grip on backgrounds with soil and mud.
Soon you will have the pictures of the bush, the modified medium with ammo, just follow the evidence reach the tires of the same.
soon will have a free moment Wrighi, should start heavier frame with the replacement of some plastic parts with their built in aluminum.
What, are so many ideas and suggestions as well: now I just have to find time to do them.


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