To improve the behavior of Cr-01, you can take different roads that touch on the various component parts. What I want to improve today, thanks to the suggestion of a friend, is the angle of TWIST, the ability of the model to keep the wheel on the axis corresponding to the ground opposed lifting the other.
Example: With the model "parked" raise your left front wheel to the point where the left rear wheel is raised off the ground. At a time when the rear wheel lifts off, you've reached the maximum twist.
The CR-01, according to the Tamiya designers, equipped with a system that should improve its footprint ground, providing a good grip on the part of the 4 tires. The Tamiya mount a leverage system, with separate spring and shock absorber, the spring return is guaranteed by a system of levers which the shock is anchored. Within this system of levers, installed the torsion bar connecting the levers which the bridge is given: the front is more Mobido on the back harder.
This bar, however, decreases as the twist while making the system more robust, the other by force of circumstances preventing it stiffens the maximum load, the longitudinal excursions, on the opposite wheel.
delete, widen the travel of spring softening opposite the bridge, which can then load up one or more shock more freely.
Following are the photos that show the piece to be deleted, and the coupling once removed the bar.

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